
Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Getting down to business!

On Monday, the CSC officially got kicked off. The entire CSC team headed to  the IBM building in Bangkok. We were first welcomed by IBM executives followed by an introduction from ABV and our CSC clients IOMX and IDTP. Then each of our team members briefly introduced ourselves. In the afternoon, we held a meeting with our client to learn more about the organization itself, its mission and structure. It was very interesting to see how Thai people greet each other and start meetings. The traditional way of greeting is with two hands prayer like ,palms together called wai. It is the most respectful way of greeting.

For the past few days, we have been meeting with our client daily. The goal is to be able to build a mobile App to stop exploitation and empower current domestic workers in the South Asia region. This step will help in raising awareness, provide information and guide them. The target is to ease the tension between employer and employees and promote a healthier relationship. It will also provide them with tools and ways to improve their skills.

Kick off day

Wholesale Market

Grand Palace


Sunday, July 24, 2016

Good morning Bangkok!

After a very long flight crossing the Pacific ocean and a layover in South Korea (Seoul), I finally arrived in Bangkok at 9:20 pm local time, but unfortunately I was not able to find the ABV representative who was to pick me up at the airport. It was well past eleven when I gave up waiting and decided that it was time to take a taxi to the hotel. Anyway, by the time I arrived it was almost midnight.

In the morning, I met almost all of the CSC members who had arrived just like me late at night on Friday and a few who had just arrived straight from the airport and joined us for breakfast at the lobby of the hotel. Unfortunately, two CSC members couldn’t make it to Bangkok due to visa issuing problems. I really had a great time talking to the team and getting to know them more. In fact, the whole team were all very interactive with each other. I can now say that the weekly team calls really helped us in connecting the voices to the faces and get started.

In the afternoon, we had an orientation session conducted by IBM Security in Thailand and ABV representatives covering all the logistic side of our day to day activities and work schedules followed by a lovely dinner hosted by ABV.

Here are few first impressions and observations about Bangkok:
  • The weather is extremely HOT and humid. Apparently Bangkok is one of the hottest cities in the world. Therefore, the first thing we have done as a team was to look for a close by store and buy a huge bottle of water to keep us hydrated.
  • Streets in Bangkok are very busy, not just with cars but also with people all around, motorbikes, tuk-tuk drivers, vendors all over the sidewalks selling every day goods. This is what really makes the city very lively and you get the vibes of life in each and every corner.
  • Food is so indulging, colorful and yes it is a bit spicy for me. Thai dishes are very tasty and well flavored (Spicy, Salty, Sweet & Sour).  There are many small street vendors selling foods. Also, there are many nice cozy, air conditioned restaurants. In fact, cafés and resultants are everywhere around us. When it is time to pay, no worries at all as it is very cheap. Oh, and freshly squeezed fruits especially mangoes are the way to go here … I am having fun indulging in the culinary choices so far!
At the main entrance of our hotel "FuramaXclusive"

First day exploring the local area

Friday, July 15, 2016

Counting down - Logistics done!

For the past three months, I have been heavily involved in completing tasks required for CSC pre work and preparation process. I had a weekly conference call with the team facilitated by Elma Simons (CSC Alumni – Vietnam). Each week we covered one topic of the learning modules. These topics included: team development and emotional intelligence, travel health and safety, cultural adaptability, media and communications, consulting skills … etc. Also, the call featured guest speakers from different organizations @ IBM and from ABV briefing us on legal matters, travel logistics, local policies and cultural awareness. Oh, I forgot to mention the worst part of the CSC pre work was getting my long list of vaccinations completed. The painful combination of needles, soar arms and no way out is brutal and not fun at all.

The CSC team recently had been divided into three sub teams as we are approaching the departure date in a few days. Each team will tackle a project supporting a local client/organization on the ground. My sub team and I will be working with IOM (International Organization for Migration) which is the leading inter-governmental organization in the field of migration management. It was established back in 1951 and has offices spread over 150 countries. IOM acts with its partners in the international community to:
  • Assist in meeting the growing operational challenges of migration management.
  • Advance understanding of migration issues.
  • Encourage social and economic development through migration.
  • Uphold the human dignity and well-being of migrants. 

I am really excited about my assignment and nerves at the same time as this opportunity represents a whole new avenue of exploration, there will be many challenges ahead waiting for me. Read more about IOM.

Many of my family, friends and colleagues have wished me a safe trip and a successful experience. Thank you everyone for your kind words, it means a lot to me. Stay tuned for my next update … #ibmcsc bangkok.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

The best invite I have ever received!

For those who do not know me well enough, I get sooooo excited by just talking about traveling, never mind living the actual experience itself. Not to mention the fact that I will be traveling for a great cause which I have never had the privilege to do. To add to all these realness, I am heading to a country I have never visited. In fact, this will be my first trip in exploring Asia and couldn’t be more pleased to be in Bangkok which is the capital of Thailand and also known as the Venice of the East.

Being part of the CSC program is an honor and an exciting opportunity for me. But what’s more thrilling is the fact that this is the first CSC team ever to be deployed to Thailand. This is something I had never anticipated and couldn’t be happier about. We as a team, will be the subject matter expert in guiding future teams to Thailand. This will certainly give me the chance to stay connected to the CSC program by being involved as a future CSC alumni and present my experience.

On the other hand, there is clearly one disadvantage here is that we will not have any feedback from previous deployed teams to guide us about the country’s work environment, culture awareness, business needs, local and fun activities … etc. Therefore, I started my own research already to learn about Thailand. The more I search and read the more I get excited!

The entire CSC team consists of 12 members from 9 different countries (Brazil, Canada, China, India, Pakistan, Poland, Mexico, United Arab Emirates, US).  It is a very diverse team geographically and also from skills and background perspectives (Consulting, HR, Project Management, IT Architect and Software Engineer).

Our NGO partner for Thailand who’s supporting all the sub assignments for the CSC team is called ABV (Australian Business Volunteers). They have been working very diligently with the team arranging all the details of the trip from booking our flights, hotel accommodations and helping us in our visa applications. Also, they are responsible for building sub teams based on skills and connecting us to the local clients. Many thanks to ABV for sending me a very practical smart guide on Thailand. This is exactly what I was looking for. I am planning to finish reading it during my looooong flight to Bangkok.  Read more a about ABV.

Looking forward to my first trip to Asia and starting the adventure of my lifetime  #ibmcsc bangkok.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Why did I apply to IBM CSC program?

When I first heard about the Cooperate Service Corps program, I felt that joining this program is a dream that would never come true. There were reasons why I felt the way I did back then. I was a new graduate who had just joined IBM for only a couple of years. I did not have enough work experience nor the skills set that are essential to join such a program. Also being a mom to two young mischievous boys who are doing a great job at keeping me on my toes all the time. I was just not ready from a career and skills perspective nor on a personal level as well.

So year after year, I started to settle in, build and invest time in my skills using one step at a time approach. I always had one goal in mind to achieve and the best of all, is that I am working for a company that promotes skills and expertise. In 2014, and for the very first time, my main goal was to apply to the CSC program. I felt so ready and prepared to start this journey. I was so passionate and excited during the application process. In fact, I started to dream in advance about the journey itself … what to do and how to help as if I had already being accepted in the program. Yes, that’s how passionate I can get when I dream in life. I guess that passion was reflected in my CSC application and thankfully, I ended up on the wait list. To say the least, being on this wait list made me feel honored and grateful although I usually can’t wait for things to happen.

My mentor during the application process was Sonya Favretto (CSC Alumni – Brazil) who just made the whole process for me so smooth and a pleasure to go through. Thank you so much Sonya. I also had the full support of my manager at the time, David Timms, who encouraged me to apply and had always been key in helping me achieve my goals. Thank you David for always being there!  

On a professional level and career development, the CSC not only complements the skills that I learned over the years, but it certainly broadens and fosters it to a global collaboration level by engaging in a unique experience based learning. It is important for me to maintain a practical, real-world perspective while developing my career.

On a personal level, I always feel that I have a lot to give. I love to help, care, smile and laugh. The more I get engaged and help, the better I feel. This keeps me energized, content and resourceful.  I truly believe that one of the main purposes in life is to be happy, useful, and compassionate. Each and every one of us can and should make a difference in this world. I had the advantage to travel and explore many great places on this planet. However, I have never had the privilege to travel for a great cause. Therefore, I found that joining the CSC program is the perfect global opportunity that just complements my career, character and personality.