
Friday, August 19, 2016

CSC assignment deliverables & an adventure to the beautiful Krabi Island

I am not really sure how and where to start to somehow summarize my experience for the last few days. Well, I think I found the word to describe it “incredible”.

My sub team and I had an intensive week throughout the day and night working on the outcomes of the CSC assignment. There are three main deliverable that needs to be submitted and presented to our client.
1) A comprehensive business plan document on all the following elements (Background, Problem statement, Solutions, Technology, Marketing strategy, Revenue model, Growth avenues and Geographical expansion model).
2) Benchmark analysis of the existing apps in the market (key contents/features) and comping it to our mobile app.
3) Presentation outlines for our client to be used as a pitch to NGO’s and private sectors.

As for the fun team activities, our last weekend in Bangkok was also very intensive and action packed with activities. We enjoyed a long extended weekend as Friday Aug 12th was the Queen’s birthday and it is a national holiday in Thailand. We couldn’t miss this opportunity and the entire CSC team headed to Krabi island. Our journey to Krabi was quite an adventure by itself. We used all means of transportations to reach the island. We got stuck for one and half hour on our way to the airport. Rushed to the gate to realize that our flight was delayed and needed to wait for an additional 2 hours. After landing, our arranged staff from the hotel transferred us by Van to somewhere, then we took a golf card to be transferred to the pier. Finally, and the best part was taking the ferry boat at night time under the moonlight to reach the island (the entire team was soooo excited, happy and thrilled by the whole experience).

 On the island itself, the team certainly enjoyed the local restaurants (fresh BBQ and Seafood). We really boosted the economy on the island by constantly re-ordering more dishes for our 12 members team. In fact, in one night few of us ordered 8 whole fish. Everything was super delicious, so we just kept ordering as if we had not eaten in weeks. The island itself was truly lovely and no words and pictures really can give it justice. Thank you Krabi for being so so beautiful and for making our CSC trip an unforgettable adventure. Thank you for adding great priceless moments to our lives.

@ the airport ready for Krabi